Artist: Sarah Dorman


Title: Muncie Loves Cats!

Location: Broadway and Princeton

Statement: I’m originally from Ohio. One of the first things I noticed when I moved to Muncie is how many are cool to cats. There are so many rescue groups, like ARF. The Animal Shelter is No Kill, which is awesome. There are groups, such as Action for Animals that help to curb the homeless pet population with TNR. So many people have pet cats. There are so many ways to adopt cats, like at PetSmart. And I see so many homemade plastic tote cat shelters on porches around here.

Muncie loves cats! I do too.

Besides cats, I also love sequential art. My design is done as a comic, featuring three stories about ways that people can help cats in the community.

  1. An elderly woman finds a hungry mother cat with new kittens, then takes them to the vet for a check up and spay/neuter. Then she looks after them as they live in the barn on her farm.

  2. A little girl sees a cold cat shiver by as she is making a snowman. she enlists the help of grandpa, and together, they make a shelter out of a plastic tote, a styrofoam cooler and some hay.

  3. A man visits the pet store, fills out an application to adopt a cat and takes the kitty home. He has such a great experience, he adopts two more!

I hope you enjoy the stories and remember, its cool to be kind to cats!

Bio: Sarah Dorman has been a life long artist, consistently exploring new mediums. at 4 years old, she wrote and illustrated books with her mom helping her letter them. She had booths, selling pom pom animals at craft and art fairs in grade school. In Junior High, she sold drawings of popular cartoon characters to the kids at school. Out of high school, she made a doll from Sculpey that appeared on a NOFX album. In her late twenties, she wrote and illustrated a small press children’s book, Benji Beansprout Doesn’t Eat Meat. In her thirties, she had a living with photography and cake decorating. Now, in her 40s, she makes soft sculpture and pencil portrait commissions and is working on a graphic novel about her cat.

She has been an animal advocate almost her entire life.

Portrait of Sarah with the box taken by Dave Herbert of Muncie Fine Portraits.


Artist: Sarah Spomer


Artist: Samantha Fowler