2021 Mayor's Arts Award Nominee: Travis Harvey, Village Green Records

Why are the arts important in Muncie? What do the arts do for the community?

I believe the arts save lives. I understand how that may sound like hyperbole or a bit overzealous but I've seen art in many forms save the lives of the creators and the appreciator. With Village Green Records I've witnessed clientele seeking music to help console their pain, but also be the soundtrack to new positive chapters in their life.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am ever so grateful to be a member of this community and to have gained the trust of thousands of clientele and their journey through music, which is a very personal thing to many of us. After working in design, video work, and being a member of the local music community taking the next step as a living library with the VGR has provided me with too many remarkable connections to count! Time and time again I've been humbled when music and art fans share their gratitude that the VGR shares a part in their community.

I call myself a:

I call myself a curator of music and designer. A tailor of music, helping music fans expand their music journey by exposing them to their next favorite music. I'm usually at odds with calling myself an artist, I make art when it is a means to an end.

What do you wish others knew about your practice? What is a fun fact about what you do?

That everyone can love music by investing more time in their exploration. I am a firm believer that good music can make you a better person and that by challenging oneself with music will transcend to being more open about other parts of their lives.

How did you become interested in the arts?

Growing up in the Bay Area and visiting the library provided me with a wealth of books, CDs, VHS to take home and appreciate without any adult supervision! Additionally, while living in the Bay Area I saw artwork scratched upon the urban landscape and the murals and graffiti birthed my interest in the arts.

If you could change one thing about the arts in Muncie, what would it be?

There are too many bare walls, the city needs more Murals.



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