2021 Mayor's Arts Award Nominee: Tracena Marie, MA, RDT

Why are the arts important in Muncie? What do the arts do for the community?

The arts are so valuable to the Muncie community! They provide an avenue for community members to connect with others, as well as strengthen the relationship with one’s self. Access to the arts is essential for all ages and abilities and has the power to enhance the quality of one’s life. The arts provide a creative space to process life experiences. Singer/songwriter, Alicia Keys wrote a memoir, “More Myself” stating, “The magic in any art is not only in its technique but in its authenticity. Truth in its rawest form is what resonates most powerfully.” To create is an invitation to awaken parts of ourselves that may have been slumbering for some time, giving us permission to express our emotions, acknowledge our shared humanity, and embrace our authenticity.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Tracena Marie (she/her) RDT, MA is a Registered Drama Therapist in East Central Indiana, Instructor of Theatre & Dance at Ball State University, Therapeutic Arts Director for Muncie Civic Theatre, and MSW Graduate Student at Ball State University. Tracena integrates creative arts therapy interventions in various settings/populations. Currently, she primarily works alongside children and adults with developmental disabilities and individuals working towards recovery from substance use disorders/addiction. Tracena holds a bachelor's degree from Northwestern State University of Louisiana in Performance & Directing and a master's degree in Drama Therapy from Kansas State University.

I call myself a:

There are many roles I play as an artist...I'm a Registered Drama Therapist, a Storyteller, a Witness to Others' Stories, a Director, an Actor, an Educator, a Mentor, a Creative Spirit, an Old Soul that Feels Deeply, and a Life-long Learner.

Where can people see your work or learn more about you?

To learn more about Tracena’s work with Muncie Civic Theatre, please visit munciecivic.org/engage/barrier-free/

To learn more about Tracena's work as a drama therapist, please visit www.creativeheartsservices.com or visit the North American Drama Therapy Association www.nadta.org

Who is your favorite creative inspiration or Arts hero (can be anyone/anything)? Why?

Growing up, I remember being drawn to Fred Rogers in Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. I vividly remember the feeling I felt while hearing Mr. Rogers' voice and words being delivered through the television screen. Now that I am older, I realize why it made such an impact on me. Fred Rogers had a passion for helping children and adults safely process and move through their feelings. I believe Fred Rogers was a drama therapist at heart, using puppetry, storytelling, connection, and imaginative play to process the difficult moments and to celebrate the joyful ones. One of my favorite quotes by Fred Rogers: “If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.” -- His words resonate deeply with me, and in my work as a therapist, I strive to shine a light for others until they can see and feel the light within themselves.

If you could change one thing about the arts in Muncie, what would it be?

It's not something I would change necessarily, but it is something I would like to expand...I have a BIG dream to expand my private practice into a Creative Arts Therapies center for Muncie. I want to cultivate a safe, creative space where community members will have access to comprehensive creative arts therapy services to support their mental health and well-being. Currently, we (creative arts therapists in Indiana) are working towards advocating for a Licensure in Creative Arts Therapies for the state of Indiana. Licensure for Indiana would enhance our ability to serve more Hoosiers and make a greater impact in our communities at large. If you have skills and knowledge that may support our efforts towards licensure for the state, please email me at rdtindiana@gmail.com, we would love to have you take a part in our conversations!


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