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Recycling as a Creative Practice: Paper-making with Found Materials // Workshop by Jordan Delzell

“Recycling as a Creative Practice: Paper-Making with Found Materials”, which will be held on Saturday, December 4, at 3:00 pm, is a free workshop led by PlySpace Resident Jordan Delzell, that will introduce participants to the basics of paper-making using everyday materials that can be found in or near Muncie. Discarded paper, lint and plants will be blended, forming a pulp that can be used to create stationary, functional vessels or sculptural objects. By using discarded items that can be sourced in Muncie we will take collective action to reduce items in the local waste stream while also learning a fun and creative process that requires little experience, equipment and monetary investment.

Participants are encouraged to bring paper materials to recycle. This free workshop will begin with a more structured demonstration, with most of the time being devoted to self-directed experimentation or the completion of a specific project. Participants are welcome to take their creations home. Masks are required.

The workshop will take place in the PlySpace gallery, (608 E Main Street, Muncie) which Jordan will transform into a temporary recycling center. The recycling center is open to the public during the scheduled workshop time and during drop-in hours on First Thursday, December 2 and Monday, December 6 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. All are welcome to stop by during drop-in hours to drop-off paper to recycle and to learn more about the paper-recycling process.

December 2

Drop-In Recycling Center Open Hours

December 6

Drop-In Recycling Center Open Hours